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Are you feeling stuck in a rut, behind the times, or out of the loop? Then you maybe you need to broaden your horizons when it comes to design blogs. To help you out, we've listed the 50 best design blogs on the web today, ranging from old favourites to brand-new upstarts.

Some of these are specialists, tightly focused on topics like typography, print design or logos. Others have a wider remit, covering a huge variety of design disciplines and cherry-picking the best work, individuals and agencies from each one. Some blogs are packed with insightful text. Others are more about the visuals. But all of them with help you reboot your creative mojo and give you fresh ideas and inspiration for the year ahead.

Once upon a time, graphic design blogs were all about eye candy. But while there's nothing wrong with that, recent years have seen more and more blogs that delve a little deeper. Nowadays, if you want to see the latest design work, find out who created it, what the challenges were and how they overcame them, then there's a blog for that. Consequently, if you just want a quick blast of eye candy to inspire you visually, you're well catered for as well. Indeed, there are so many graphic design blogs out there right now; it's difficult to know which ones to pay the most attention to.

Some of these are specialists, tightly focused on topics like typography, print design or logos. Others have a wider remit, covering a huge variety of design disciplines and cherry-picking the best work, individuals and agencies from each one. Some blogs are packed with insightful text. Others are more about the visuals. But all of them with help you reboot your creative mojo and give you fresh ideas and inspiration for the year ahead.

Once upon a time, graphic design blogs were all about eye candy. But while there's nothing wrong with that, recent years have seen more and more blogs that delve a little deeper. Nowadays, if you want to see the latest design work, find out who created it, what the challenges were and how they overcame them, then there's a blog for that. Consequently, if you just want a quick blast of eye candy to inspire you visually, you're well catered for as well. Indeed, there are so many graphic design blogs out there right now; it's difficult to know which ones to pay the most attention to.

1. Creative Boom
We'll start with the blog you're reading at the moment. At Creative Boom, it's our mission to celebrate, inspire and support the creative community. As well as showcasing the latest work and interviewing leading practitioners from around the world, in recent years, we've also added a podcast and an online shop selling bespoke prints, so readers can support fellow creatives directly.

2. Abduzeedo Running
since 2006, Abduzeedo is a collective of bloggers sharing articles about design, photography, and UX. It's moved with the times over the years and is particularly strong on 3D work. Just in case you were wondering, the name means abducted in Portuguese.

3. Typewolf
Typewolf is unique amongst typography blogs. Not only does it offer unparalleled commentary on the latest typefaces and an archive of reviews of older ones, but it also showcases their use out in the wild. This is a great way to keep up-to-date with the latest type trends, and there are some valuable learning resources here too.

4. Mirador
The blog of Say What Studio, a graphic design duo based in Paris, France, Mirador curates the most inspirational creative projects around and emphasises great visuals. If you're looking for image eye candy, this is a great place to head.

5. Friends of Type
Friends of Type focuses on original typographic design and lettering, and fresh visual content is posted pretty much every day. Most of the work on this blog is created by four people: Aaron Carámbula, Erik Marinovich, Dennis Payongayong and Jason Wong, and on the last week of the month, they feature a guest designer.

Min hero draws cute characters and sweet depictions of daily life

Some of these are specialists, tightly focused on topics like typography, print design or logos

Posted on 25 September 2023

Min hero draws cute characters and sweet depictions of daily life

Some of these are specialists, tightly focused on topics like typography, print design or logos

Posted on 25 September 2023

Some of these are specialists, tightly focused on topics like typography, print design or logos

Posted on 25 September 2023

Min hero draws cute characters and sweet depictions of daily life

Some of these are specialists, tightly focused on topics like typography, print design or logos

Posted on 25 September 2023

Min hero draws cute characters and sweet depictions of daily life

Some of these are specialists, tightly focused on topics like typography, print design or logos

Posted on 25 September 2023